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Find A Physician

HealthChoice represents the network of physicians and facilities that your employer has selected to serve as your health care providers.  We can assist you in identifying which physicians are considered “in-network” for your plan.

Disclaimer:  Health care provider’s participation listing in the HealthChoice Network directory is not an indicator or guarantee of benefits, eligibility or payment under an employer’s health plan.  All questions related to benefits, eligibility or payment should be directed to the phone number on your group plan ID card or your Human Resources department benefits coordinator.  Additionally, provider’s participation can change and not immediately be reflected in this directory.  It is the patient’s responsibility when requesting service, including visits to urgent care, walk-in and extended hours clinics, to ensure that the provider currently participates as an In-Network provider for the employer’s health plan.

Trilogy Network

If you are a patient with medical coverage through United HealthCare or Cigna, and your employer has selected health care providers who participate in the Trilogy Clinically Integrated Network, then begin your provider search using one of these two insurance links:        

          United HealthCare                    Cigna


HealthChoice Network

If your employer has selected health care providers who participate in the HealthChoice Network, then begin your provider search using the contract lookup below.

Start by selecting a HealthChoice Network contract and clicking the “Next” button when you’re done: